My Question: What is Annoying, Ugly, and Dangerous?

By Viktor Kuhle

What a stupid question. There are so many things that you can think of that fit this description. Your neighbor's dog, your boss' wife, the paint deprived 1975 AMC Pacer parked in the driveway across the street, or the excess fat on the school bus driver. Well since I don't know much about the other topics I think it best we chat about subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.

Maybe you thought you didn't have much fat, and if that's true congratulations! You are in the 30% minority in the westernized countries. We know fat when we see it on other people and whether it is a person with a medium size belly or an extremely overweight person you know there is a health problem.

You could be the person who doesn't like your excess abdominal fat or it could be a member of your family. In either case someone is rationalizing if they continue to stay with the excess fat. The excess fat requires that we buy larger, non-form fitting clothes. That is only the annoying aspect of the problem. The serious issue is the current and future health problems that excess abdominal fat causes.

Many of you already know that fat that covers your abdominal muscles is called subcutaneous fat. It lies just below the skin. The second type of abdominal fat is called visceral fat and this type of fat is deeper inside your body and surrounds your internal organs. You want to see a good example of visceral fat go to the local tavern and look at the champion beer drinker, you know the one with the Belly.

Knowing the biological terms is this case is useful because if you want to reduce your health risks you must solve the problem of reducing the visceral fat. It's the MOST dangerous fat. It will contribute to developing high blood pressure, strokes, heart disease, various forms of cancer, and can lead to degenerative diseases.

When your have your annual blood test, you normally get the report on the C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. Excess belly fat has frequently been associated with higher level of CRP. The high levels can be indicators of inflammation with the body.

If you are like me when looking for a solution to a problem, you will try to find the quickest and least complicated one. You are looking the for ultimate solution to losing the excess fat because it is dangerous, annoying, and sometimes even ugly. Unfortunately no supplements or pills can provide a quick fix for the excess fat condition. And unfortunately ab muscle devices will not cause spot reduction of the excess fat. Sorry if you are reading this for the first time. There are well well-documented solutions and here is an introduction to the most successful routines.

The only solution to consistently lose your abdominal fat and keep it off for good is to combine a sound nutritious diet full of unprocessed natural foods with a properly designed strategic exercise program that stimulates the necessary hormonal and metabolic response within your body. Both your food intake as well as your training program are important if you are to get this right.

I would like to help you succeed in finally getting rid of that extra abdominal fat that is not only DANGEROUS, but also UGLY. Many people have received my recommended workouts, or nutritious foods, or answers to age related solutions, if diet tips will apply to them, etc. I've made a page that should answer all of your questions...

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